Once the data and results are ready to be displayed, there’s just as much of an art as there is a science as to how to do so effectively. In this section we’ll go over common types of plots that we think you might want to be familiar with, and discuss how common types of plotting “goals” can be achieved.
- Basics of Plotting
- Introduction to ggplot2
- Iterative Plotting
- Facetting & Grids
- Plotting Multiple DataFrames
- Distributions
- Part to Whole Comparisons
- Relationships Between Variables
- Mapping
- Annotations
- Values Between Groups
- Phylogenetic Trees
About R Manual
Learn more about this project
The R Manual is a resource jointed authored by Cole Brookson, Dr. Shelby Riskin, and Dr. Jacqueline Sztepanacz. This resource is not officially affiliated with the R Programming language, but aims to help students with the steep learning curve associated with learning R for the first time.
This project is made possible through the University of Toronto Learning & Education Advancement Fund (LEAF) program
Additional Resources
U of T Coders
Student-led UofT support system for learning programing
The Carpentries
Software and Data Carpentries resources and workshops