Introduction to Statistics in this Manual
The goal of this section is to provide a central resource to refer to with programming/statistics questions as far as they relate to your undergraduate coursework. To this end, this section is meant to help you become more familiar and comfortable with simple statistical tests and also with dipping your toes into thinking about more complex statistical models. Hopefully this set of resources acts to help develop an intuitive understanding of the material, and not just simply memorize the content.
We generally advise that if you are using this section as a primary learning resource (i.e. you are coming here for knowledge on a topic, not to troubleshoot), that you follow the order laid out here.
It is typically better to first understand the principles of Probability and Sampling before you move on to questions about Regression.
In addition, we understand that there is no way we can do justice to the entire conversation of hypothesis testing in a short article like this. However, we strongly recommend you read through that section to get an idea about significance testing for hypotheses before you actually perform any tests.